
Host Jekyll on GitHub

I recently moved my technical blog to Jekyll, hosted on GitHub. (That’s this site.) It’s a great way to host a site for FREE, and it’s mostly easy to set up. One of my favorite things about it is that I can write my posts in Markdown, and then push them to GitHub. GitHub takes care of the rest. No database required. No subscription fees. No server to maintain. It’s a great!

Here’s how I did it.

Requirements: A GitHub account

GitHub Pages is included for free on Public repositories. If you want to host a private site, you’ll need a paid account. Since you want your site to be public anyway, a public repo makes perfect sense.

Step 1: Create a new repository

In my case, I’m actually using the one associated with my user account. ( If you’d rather, you can also create a new repository specifically for your site. See GitHub Pages for more information.

Step 2: Copy files from theme’s repo

I looked around at a few themes and found one I liked.

For me, Chirpy was simple and included everything I wanted. I copied the files from the theme’s repo into my new repo. Then I made a few changes to the _config.yml file to customize it for my site.

Step 3: Write a post

I liked the idea of being able to have posts in DRAFT as well as PUBLISHED. I considered just having a drafts git branch, but I came across the Jekyll Compose plugin instead. It’s a great way to manage drafts and posts.

To create my first draft, I ran:

bundle exec jekyll draft "My First Post"

Then I edited the file in the _drafts directory. When I was ready to publish it, I ran:

bundle exec jekyll publish _drafts/

There are also options for backdating the post, or unpublishing it. Check out the Jekyll Compose plugin for more information.

Since the Chirpy theme came with some helpful starter posts, I wanted to keep them around for reference. I moved them to the _drafts directory so they’d still be around but not be published.

While you’re working on your posts, or even tweaking the theme, you can run a local server to see your changes. To see what the public will see just run:

bundle exec jekyll serve

If you want to see drafts as well, run:

bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts

Then visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

Step 4: Push to GitHub

The Chirpy theme comes with some great GitHub workflows. I didn’t have a use for most of those though, so I simplified things by removing them and consolidating the parts I wanted in my own workflow I called shipit. Check it out at shipit.yml if that’s helpful to you.

I pushed my changes to GitHub. Then I went to the settings for my repo and scrolled down to the GitHub Pages section. I selected the main branch and the root directory. Then I clicked Save.

Step 5: Wait

It took a few minutes for GitHub to build my site. Once it was done, I was able to visit my site at

For me, I also wanted my site to be available at I used the repo Settings. Clicking on the Pages menu option reveals a field for a Custom Domain. I filled it in, then I went to my domain registrar and added a CNAME record to point to It took a few minutes for the DNS to update, but then I was able to visit my site at

That’s it! I was up and running with a new site in no time. I hope this helps you get started with your own site. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on I’m happy to help.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.